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Plan Workout Intensity

Plan Intensity lets you compare how each swimmer performed in each workout against what was planned.

Swim coach planning intensity
TritonWear Intensity provides objective criteria of how taxing this swim workout felt for the swimmer. Setting the Intensity Plan before the workout starts allows you to set a target of how hard you want that workout to be and then check if the swimmer swam it as prescribed. Let's dive deeper into how Intensity Plan works and explore what factors come into play to impact the swimmers' overall Intensity scores. 

Unleash your speed.

How Plan Intensity Works

When you start a workout for your team, you will be prompted to select the pool size (SC, LC, or custom pools) and your role (coach or swimmer). Right after, you'll be asked to set your planned intensity. When doing so, you must first remember to reflect on the workout as a whole, not just the main set, and then decide how strenuous you intend this workout to be. The scale ranges from Recovery to Max Effort.



By comparing your swimmers' Intensity Scores to your Planned Intensity, you'll see who swims the program as prescribed. For those missing the mark, you'll be able to dive deeper into their Energy, Distance and Rest to understand what is causing this. 

Did the swimmers go harder than they were asked to go?

Did they not sustain the energy zones you expected from them?

Did they tackle a beast of a workout?

Did they end up with more rest than planned?



What Impacts Intensity Score?

The more time the athlete spends swimming in higher Energy zones, the higher the Intensity score.

The more Distance a swimmer did in a workout (relative to how much they usually do), the higher the Intensity score.

Resting less in a workout makes the score climb. The higher the activity percentage, the higher the Intensity score.


The Energy score is calculated from the swimmer’s Time in Training Zone. The more time the athlete spends swimming in higher zones, the higher the Energy score will be. Aside from seeing Time In Training Zone for this workout, you can also see it over time, specifically over 7, 30 and 90 days. You'll also see the percent split between Aerobic work (Zones 1-3) and Anaerobic work (Zones 4-5).




The Distance score compares the distance completed in this workout to the swimmer’s typical distance. Workouts with higher distances than usual (for that swimmer) will get scored higher. Other insights you can explore here are the distance breakdown by stroke type, the total volume, the percent volume for this workout, and the volume breakdown for the last 7,30 and 90 days.


Work Vs Rest

The Work Vs Rest score is derived from the Active %, the percent of the workout spent swimming rather than resting. Keep in mind that Work Vs Rest considers the whole workout, not just sets, which means that the rest time between reps and between sets is counted (including the time the coach takes to explain sets or show drills etc.). 


If you see yourself as a coach with a growth mindset or someone ready to take coaching to the next level, grab this playbook; it's step-by-step guidance to help you integrate data into your training.

Become a Next-Generation Coach. Download the Guide.

Alexandra Petala

Alexandra Petala is the Content Marketing Manager at TritonWear. Before joining TritonWear, Alexandra had created her own company delivering freelance services for lead generation. She also served as the Growth Manager at Just' Geter Done. A former swimming coach and Greek National Champion herself with over 20 years of experience in competitive swimming. Alexandra graduated from the Empire State University with a degree in Business Economics and Marketing.

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