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Quick Win Data For Faster Swimming

Crush your swimming goals with quick-win data strategies for faster swimming in starts, turns, and underwaters.

Swim start underwater image

Swimming is an incredibly competitive sport that demands a combination of strength, technique, and strategy. When competitive swimmers get ready for a meet, it's important for them to find a good balance between making big changes to their technique and concentrating on strategies that can bring immediate success. While long-term progress in the pool comes from dedication and consistent training, there are specific areas where swimmers can focus their efforts to gain an immediate advantage.

It's important to note that completely overhauling your technique right before a swim meet can be risky. Significant changes to your stroke or form can disrupt your rhythm and potentially harm your performance. Instead, it's wise to focus on refining your existing skills and zeroing in on a few quick-win data for fast swimming.

In this blog, we'll delve into three key aspects of swimming: starts, turns, and underwaters. These elements play a significant role in determining the outcome of a race. We'll highlight a few quick-win technique data you can focus on to enhance your speed and performance on race day.

So, as you prepare for your upcoming swim meet, remember to balance long-term progress and short-term gains. By focusing on refining your skills in your starts, turns, and underwaters, you'll be well-equipped to move through the water with greater ease and at higher speeds.

Mastering Starts

Swimmer on start

Imagine you're in a race and the starting signal blares. You push off the blocks with lightning speed, propelling yourself forward. That quick and efficient start gives you an immediate edge over your competitors. 

You're able to establish a strong lead right from the beginning, setting the tone for the entire race. Not only does it boost your confidence, but it also puts psychological pressure on your opponents.

But it's not just about the initial burst of speed. Mastering starts helps you maintain momentum throughout the race. By starting strong, you can maintain your speed and rhythm, avoiding disruptions that could slow you down. It's like riding a wave of energy that carries you forward.

Another advantage of a well-executed start is the energy conservation it offers. By positioning yourself closer to the front of the pack, you don't have to exert as much effort to catch up with swimmers ahead of you. This allows you to swim more efficiently, saving precious energy for the rest of the race.

So, whether it's gaining that competitive edge, establishing momentum, or conserving energy, mastering starts plays a vital role in success in swim races. It's all about that explosive launch off the blocks, setting you up for a great race.

Unleash your speed.

To optimize your starts, consider the following:

  1. Decrease your Dive Block Time (a.k.a reaction time). A quick reaction time off the blocks can make a significant difference. Focus on developing your reflexes and honing your ability to anticipate the starting signal.
  2. Increase your Dive Hang Time (when you're in flight mode, from feet off the block to entry into the water). Experiment with different block positions to find the optimal angle that maximizes your push-off power. Work on generating explosive leg drive and maintaining a streamlined body position during entry into the water.
  3. Maximize your Underwater Speed. The underwater swimming phase after the start can propel you forward rapidly. These powerful kicks, combined with a streamlined body position, allow you to gain momentum and surge ahead of your competitors in the race.

Perfecting Turns

Swimmer during a swim turn

Perfecting turns in swim racing is crucial for several reasons. Not only can a well-executed turn provide a significant boost in speed, but it also helps maintain the rhythm and efficiency of your stroke.

Imagine you're in the race, gliding through the water and giving it all you have. As you approach the wall, you execute a flawless flip turn, seamlessly transitioning from swimming to pushing off the wall. In that split second, you gain precious momentum, propelling yourself forward with renewed energy.

Meanwhile, your competitors struggle with their turns, losing valuable time and disrupting their stroke rhythm. This real-life example highlights the importance of mastering turns in swim racing.

A strong turn can be the difference between victory and defeat, making it a skill worth refining and perfecting. 

A well-executed turn can provide a valuable advantage, allowing you to maintain momentum and minimize time lost during transitions. To nail your turns consider the following:

  1. Decrease Turn Time. Carry maximum momentum into the wall by timing your approach. Practice your Stroke Count and Stroke Rate leading up to the wall to find the ideal rhythm.
  2. Increase Turn Rate. Mastering the art of the tumble turn can significantly reduce drag and aid in a seamless transition. Work on rotating your body quickly, executing a swift somersault, and maintaining a tight tuck position during the turn.
  3. Improve Push Max Acceleration. The force generated during the push-off from the wall is crucial for acceleration. Pay attention to the angle of your feet, leg drive, and the use of your arms to optimize the initial burst of speed.

Maximizing Underwaters

Swimmer underwater kicking

Imagine you're competing in a 100-meter freestyle race. You and your opponent both have excellent swimming skills, but you excel underwater. As soon as the starting signal is given, you explode off the block with a powerful push, executing a flawless dive into the water. You glide underwater with minimal resistance, smoothly transitioning into your first stroke. Meanwhile, your opponent takes a bit longer to enter the water and starts swimming a fraction of a second later.

That small difference in underwater efficiency gives you a head start and allows you to establish an early lead. As the race progresses, you maintain your speed and continue to make efficient turns and powerful underwater kicks, further extending your advantage. Ultimately, your superior underwater kicking plays a significant role in securing your victory.

Every second counts in a race, and by mastering your underwaters, you can gain that competitive edge and improve your swimming.

To stay ahead in your underwater game, you'll need to work on the following:

  1. Optimize your Push-Off Depth. This refers to the depth at which you initiate your push-off of the wall during starts and turns. By pushing off at a deeper depth, you can take advantage of the increased water pressure to generate more power and momentum. Focus on perfecting your technique during push-offs, ensuring a strong and explosive push that propels you further into the pool.

  2. Improve Time Underwater. Work on increasing the duration of your underwater phase by practicing breath control and developing strong lung capacity and a strong kick underwater. This will allow you to maintain propulsion longer and cover more distance underwater.

  3. Increase Percentage Underwater. Aim to spend more of your swim underwater by refining your underwater technique. This involves perfecting your underwater dolphin kick, maintaining a straight body line, and minimizing unnecessary movements that impede your progress.


To improve your performance, take advantage of data analysis and specific techniques that can lead to quick wins. By focusing on your starts, turns, and underwater phases during swim training, you can make significant strides in your swimming results.

Mastering these aspects requires practice, attention to detail, and a commitment to refining technique. Implementing the strategies outlined in this blog can help you gain a competitive edge, shave off crucial seconds, and propel yourself toward faster times in the pool. Remember, success lies in the amalgamation of hard work, smart training, and continuous improvement.


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Alexandra Petala

Alexandra Petala is the Content Marketing Manager at TritonWear. Before joining TritonWear, Alexandra had created her own company delivering freelance services for lead generation. She also served as the Growth Manager at Just' Geter Done. A former swimming coach and Greek National Champion herself with over 20 years of experience in competitive swimming. Alexandra graduated from the Empire State University with a degree in Business Economics and Marketing.

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